this is the type of LO page link we should give users instead of sending them off to OOo or any other non-LO site "first".

I knew we had documentation somewhere. We just need to get the word out there "better".

Maybe have more "indexed" material resources list. The "/Deployment_and_Migration" page is listed in the "Teams" section. Maybe have section titles in the main page that lists specific "discussions" or resource materials would be very helpful at this point. Maybe having a larger indexed list of topics that are of use to the setup, migration, and/or business deployment would be something that could be a "top level" listing in the main page and in the "documentation" page[s].

The "#Corporate_Users" page is not listed in the main documentation list, and needs to, instead of "other documents", etc., section. These things need to be "top level" items that are very easy to see from the main page and/or the main documentation page. If we can make it very easy for the business users, large and small, to find the needed documentation instead of a lot of searching around hoping we have what they need, then maybe we could get more exposure in the business world. The UK mandate for using ODF stated OpenOffice instead of the file format name. This was brought out in an article about LO 4.2.x. OOo/AOO seems to be thought of as the only "proper" ODF using package by "people" and not LO. This may be that they have more information equating OOo/AOO with ODF, and not LO, with ODF as the standard package for using that open file format[s] system. WE need to get businesses attention with the facts about both LO's ODF standards and the better OOXML "standards" usability that MS requires businesses to use.

We need our supporters to have easy access to where the needed references, in a well thought out "indexed" system of Wiki pages that make sense with topic groupings. This will help both these supporters and our users to find the needed information.

In the below listing, I would think that the documents needed by Business and Corporate users about setup, deployment, and migration to LO would be in one easy to find place, and not spread all over where you have to search other "needs" to find the link to the deployment info or other Corporate needed info. Right now it look like you have to go to several different sections to find the links that might be of common use to these users.

I would love to find out why the UK minister stated OOo for the file format[s] type, along with Google Docs, as potential formats to use instead of MSO's ones. Be nice to have some high up tech guy let the minister know that LO can do ODF documents just as well as "OOo", even though it is now called AOO instead of OOo. At least the UK and France are getting the idea that MSO proprietary formats are not the way to do business anymore if you want a more open government or business.

On 02/03/2014 12:53 PM, Pedro wrote:
Maybe these instructions are helpful


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