Have you looked at lm-sensors for Linux?
Girvin Herr

On 03/02/2014 07:09 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
I use Ubuntu Linux 12.04LTS as my default OS, but I also use Win7 on dual-booting laptops. I never had Linux run "hotter" than Windows when it is installed onto the drive. I also do not use the "thin" laptops, but the thicker ones that have more "fan space and size" to remove the heat better. Tell me, what do you use to see the CPU temps in Linux? What do you use for Windows? I use Speedfan for Windows and have not found much to really see actually temps in Linux, but by feeling the heat from the surface of the laptops, it never gets as "hot" as Windows. Both laptops are dual core and the main desktop is a quad with the others dual and single cores.


As for the User Profile issue, I would get it setup as you want it to be and then make a backup of it. That way you do not have to "start from scratch".

I do not customize as much as you do, just add a dictionary [or two] and add a larger color choice option for backgrounds, borders, text, etc..

I really think that getting your setup into a backup and using it when you "crash" due to a "corrupted file" would be most helpful. As for the compatibility of the Windows profile/config to Linux, well I do not know much about what each file does either.

For Win7 to Win7 systems, I think it taking a specific set of file in the user profile and copying it over to a new system would work. Which are the needed files, I do not know. Maybe using the whole "User" folder would work transfered over to the new systems.

Question: What type of [and how many] screen colors and keyboard assignments/modifications do you set up for your system? What are you using them for? We always like to know what LO is being used for and what our users are doing with it to make their workflow "flow" better. I know of a SciFi-Fantacy writer who switched to Linux and now LO to write his 1 to 3 book a year [being now in his 70's it is down from 4+ paper-back books a year]. He uses many macros and keyboard assignments [and a non standard keyboard] for many years. So, knowing what you change your profile to/with might help our developers make it easier for our users to do their work.

On 03/02/2014 07:57 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
Thanks, Scot.

That seems to be what I was looking for. Just a quick glance showed me a lot of settings that I have customized. I'll dig further to see if all of them are in there.

You mention that you're on Linux. Are you running on a laptop? I've tried several different Linux distros on my Sony Vaio laptop, in many different forms (live CD/USB Flash, Wubi, "true" dual boot), etc. and every one of them seems to make my CPU run really hot, much hotter than my Windows setup. Have you (or any others) experienced similar problems? Various Linux forums online seem to indicate this is not uncommon. I've been *really* trying to give Linux a fair try, but it keeps hitting me with roadblocks. I know many of you are Linux enthusiasts, but I can't get past the heat and sound of a frantically whirring fan.


-----Original Message----- From: Scott Castaline
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] User Profile Question

I run on Linux so I'm not sure if you have it on Win7. There's a file
called registrymodifications.xcu under libreoffice/4/user.
It's in some Markup format somewhat similar to html or xml. It can be
kind of cryptic but I have edited that file directly with some success.
I don't know if that contains everything within user options or not, but
I have saved it in the past before trying something that would cause the
app to barf and then restored that file and everything was fine again.

Scott C.

On 03/01/2014 04:40 PM, Carol-Virgil Arrington wrote:
I’ve got a question about the User Profile. I’m using LO 4.1.5 on Windows 7.

I understand that my user profile consists of a bunch of folders and files in my AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\User folder. But, beyond that, I can’t make sense of any of it (other than my Templates).

For example, I’ve made several customizations to my copy of LO, such as:

1. Screen colors
2. Keyboard assignments. I have many of my favorite paragraph styles assigned to Ctrl-key combinations, etc.

Where are these types of information kept? With other programs, I could find it in a file called <*something*.ini>, but in LO’s user profile, I can’t find anything that resembles any type of configuration file, and I’ve stepped my way through each and every file in each and every folder in the User file tree.

My computer recently crashed resulting in a corrupt User Profile. I was able to rename it and start over, but it would have been nice to be able to pinpoint the one or two corrupt files and correct them without necessarily starting from scratch. Also, I use LO on many different computers, and I’d like to just copy the pertinent configuration files from one computer to another without necessarily copying the entire user profile.


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