
The LibreOffice website looks different and some information is missing that was there last week. In particular I'm looking for the 4.2.1 release notes which used to be here:

I just noticed that the 4.1.5 release notes are gone too!

What's going on here?


On 3/7/2014 7:42 PM, Stephan Petersen wrote:
Hi guys,

does anyone know how to set the "default" number of slides per page when
printing handouts?

LO unfortunately contains a bug (which goes way back and remains
unfixed) that causes it to forget what you were printing (notes,
handouts, ...) between print jobs. And with the latest version it even
got worse. Now, if you want to print handouts, you not only have to
select "handouts" every time, but now you also have to pick the number
of slides per page again, unless you want the "default", which seems to
be 6 (for whatever reason).

Does anyone know a workaround for this nuisance?

Thanks and all the best,


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