On 08/06/2014 10:01 AM, Florian Reisinger wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> If we do not find the bugs in the fresh version, they won't be resolved until 
> the rename to Stable/Still. If less use Fresh, the quality of the next stable 
> will be lower.... Does this help?

No.  Basically what you and Sophie are saying is that 'we fully expect
new/any user to download and use the "Fresh" branch by default so that
LO (dev?) can find an resolve bugs in the 'new & improved & added
feature' version'. That's just crazy talk.

I am somewhat astounded as I hear Charles complaining about funding
(rightly so, that's his job), users complaining about lack of bug fixes
w/dev's LO countering with 'we only have a certain amount of resources &
have to prioritise' etc., etc. So why even have two branches to begin with?

The Fresh/Still nonsense is just that - nonsense. Here is a link to the
internet archive from LO Download in 2013 Dec 31:

On that page there is no "Fresh", "Stable", "Still" et al; there is only
download defaulting to 4.1.4. and minor link options to change to 4.0 or
'Pre-releases' 4.2. That download page makes complete sense. Why on
earth the "private marketing list" change to the current nonsense?

@TDF: Please just stop. Go back to the download page of December 2013 &
keep it simple.
  IMO you should just drop the "Still" branch and concentrate your dev
efforts on one *single* user release.  The next time that I (as a user)
hear that you've not enough resources to address a bug report I'll have
to ask: so, how many devs are working on 'Fresh' v 'Still' v 'Daily' v
'Trunk' v EOL, etc? Can you not fix the bug because these folks are
spread so thin across the various "branches" that they can't properly
concentrate on a baseline release fix?

@Sophie/Florian: The admission that 'Fresh' is the default so that bugs
will be identified earlier is, IMO, nuts (other words come to mind, but
I'll try to keep this civilized). 'Hello World - take our RC (X.Y.0) and
use it by default so that we can debug it' is not a good thing to
announce/promote here or elsewhere.

@Charles: you keep asking for users on in this thread to suggest a new
name ("Now: if you have ideas for new names, etc. you are welcome to
contribute to our marketing team.) - no name is necessary, nor should it
be necessary for users on this list to need to subscribe to the
marketing list to voice their concerns. You are TDF - instead invite the
"private marketing list" members to participate in this thread, this is
afterall a user & user support concern. BTW: for those that may want to
do this anyway, just how does one gain access to this "private marketing
list" that Sophie spoke of? How about providing a link to a transcript
of the "private marketing list" contents so that others on this "open
source" project can review?

Bottom line is that I (and others) disagree with the "private marketing
list" decision to go with the existing 'Fresh/Still/whatever' download
page(s). Please consider simply rolling back to the Dec 2013 model.

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