Chris Cameron wrote:

Often I use Writer's Formula Bar (By hitting F2) to do some math inside my
Writer document and have the output displayed. The default formatting for
this output is to 2 decimal places, which is often less than I want. So
every time I must right click the field, click "Fields", "Additional
Formats", change the decimal places, then "ok", "ok". My number format
never sticks around from field to field, and I see no option for changing
the default in Writer.

Can anyone tell me how I might change the default rounding this formula bar

I'm not sure about that, or whether it's even possible.

Copying a cell to another cell takes the format with it, which may give a quicker way. Just make sure the whole cell is highlighted when copying (so that the highlight extends to the borders of the cell, not just the text within the cell). The formula is copied as well, so you'll need to edit that afterwards.

Or, failing that, how I can have a format saved in "Edit Fields" ->
"Format" box?

Formats you've already used in a document appear in the "User-defined" category of the "Number Format" dialog, so can be easily selected when for formatting another cell. I'm not sure if you can save them for use in other documents, but at least it may be quicker if you use the same format several times in one document.

Many thanks,

Hope that helps a little, even though not exactly what you want.


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