Hello Stef

Are you suggesting that you are standardizing on LibreOffice Templates or Microsoft Word Templates.

Templates are unique to each system.

Did you save your LibreOffice Writer document to a Microsoft Word format?
If PDF is ok, you could "export as pdf" and send that.
If the person you are sending your document has LibreOffice, it will look exactly the same.

I applaud your thoughts about bringing LibreOffice to the Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal.

Some help might be required and you can try and contact the following.

The user group at
Home ยป Dutch NL Project

Linux Professional Institute Central Europe: Home

Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep

There is also Thom Holwerda, Editor at OSNews (I just like the way the guy thinks.)
His basic info is at http://www.osnews.com/user/uid:5/

LibreOffice document standards:
The easy explanation is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument
For the deepest understanding of the format go to http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2.html

Documents are not allowed to be attached in this user group mailing.
Try sending to http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Dutch-f1816654.html

Sorry I can not help you further.

On 9/11/2014 2:15 PM, Stef Bon wrote:

I got a template.docx of my education institution, and tried to open
it using LibreOffice.
I found out too late - after I sent it, I got comments of receiver - that writer
did show the table totally wrong.

Until now I was convinced LibreOffice is a good alternative for MS
Office, but I doubt it very much now. I had to use the (Microsoft
Windows) computers on the school with a recent MS Office to get it

I've been talking with members of parlement about the use of open
source by the government, and was convinced it's a right thing. Now
I'm not so sure anymore.

I think it's not a very exotic table. It's a table in a table.
One note: I've tried Google Docs also, and that did not do it right either.

Attached you find the Template, and where there should be information
under the column "Lesplan", but it's not shown at all.
Also attached you find the complete new document based on the
template. I added text, but the first column I left unchanged. You see
ther are different rows there, which are ignored in the original
document (Template)

I hope you can solve this,

Stef Bon
the Netherlans

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