@Cley, *,

Cley Faye wrote
> The "close document" behavior you're noticing on windows is not linked to
> LibreOffice, but is a feature of the system. It just mean "close the
> window, not the app" and work everywhere. You can try it in most tabbed
> browser too :)

Sorry but that is not quite correct.  The Key mappings are actually
hard-coded in the vcl modules of LibreOffice core--see the source

On Windows the KEY_MOD1 is the <Ctrl> key, KEY_MOD2 is the <Alt> key, and I
beleive the Windows key is mapped to KEY_MOD3-- on OSX  I believe the
KEY_MOD1 is mapped to the <Command> key and KEY_MOD2 is mapped to <Alt> but
I'd have to check that.

So, the reason it is not available to customize in the  Writer  Tools -->
Customize --> Keyboard is because the key combo is defined for the entire
LibreOffice application--they are reserved.   As can be seen in the source,
a <CTRL>+F4 or <CTRL>+W  will */Close/* the document.   While a <ALT>+F4 or
<CTRL>+Q will */Quit/* LibreOffice.

All that being said, the operating system may have other key-mappings in
place that can conflict or take precedence over LibreOffice mappings.  That
does happen on some of the Linux Desktop Environments and is likely what is
affecting Thomas.


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