Hi list

I recently installed LibO v. and have noticed that when using Writer, there is a response delay. For example, when typing, there is a periodic (perhaps every few minutes) when the text doesn't appear on the screen, the cursor stops blinking and remains fixed in place. This then clears and all is good again. This happens when highlighting or deleting, etc., so it is more than just typing. I timed one of these lags, and counted up to 8 seconds before Writer responded.

Having used LibO for many years now, I cannot recall having such an issue before, and I haven't changed my OS or desktop settings (Linux Mint 17, Mate desktop environment) since using the previous Fresh 4.3 updates or even previous releases.

If necessary, I will uninstall this version and go back to the 4.3, but that seems to be using a hammer to crack a nut.

Any advice on this please as it is quite disruptive given I'm trying to do my thesis on it!

Thanks for any help.


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