Hallo everybody, I just subscribed the mailing list and I have a problem.

I'm trying to develop a simple Python script that interact with Calc, but LibreOffice crashes.

To replicate the event, just run it as a service with the following command (Win7): "c:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\soffice.exe" --norestore --calc -accept="socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" --nologo I replicated the beheviour on two different computers running Windows7 64bit and LO 4.3 and LO4.4. Calc starts and a new document appears on the screen. You can move and resize the window, select cells and columns, BUT as you type something in a cell, the program crashes.

I tested the same command on another computer, running WindowsXP and LibreOffice 4.1 and everything works perfectly.

Can someone find a solution?

Thanks for help.

I think the bug is the same described in http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/LibreOffice-4-4-crash-when-using-pyuno-Windows7-tt4139609.html but is not related to pyuno.

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