At 12:13 02/08/2015 +1000, Tim Lloyd wrote:
On 30/07/15 21:23, Nasrin 'Zahra' Khaksar wrote:
i am a blind and only use keyboard. how can i go to the previous and next page via keyboard? when i used microsoft office i pressed control page down to the next page and control page up to previous page.

SHIFT+Page Up/Down moves one screen but does not scroll by page.

PageUp and PageDown do indeed move one screen (instead of one page). Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown merely add the normal effect of the Shift key: they make the same moves whilst extending any selection.

Does anyone have an alternative?

Relevant functions do exist, called To Beginning of Next Page, To Beginning of Previous Page, To End of Next Page, and To End of Previous Page. All these exist in Writer, but none of them are associated by default with any keyboard shortcuts. They can be associated with keyboard shortcuts, of course, at Tools | Customise... | Keyboard. They are in the Navigate category.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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