At 21:34 29/08/2015 +1000, Philip Rhoades wrote:
I know about the "Clear Formatting" commands but that removes ALL formatting - I just want to remove page and paragraph formatting and leave character attributes alone eg italics, bold etc - is it possible to do that somehow?

You cannot remove page and paragraph formatting, since every page and every paragraph has to have some format or other. But you can reset these to some other value or default.

The only page formatting in a Writer document is page style formatting, so you need just to modify the page style(s) in your document or to apply a suitable page style - perhaps Default - to all your material. Open the Styles and Formatting window, put the cursor in turn into each range of pages with a particular style, and double-click the Default style on the Page Styles panel.

Your paragraph formatting may be paragraph formatting or paragraph style formatting, but resetting paragraph style formatting seems to trump paragraph formatting, so is all you need to attend to. Open the Styles and Formatting window, select all the material, and double-click the Default style on the Paragraph Styles panel.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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