At 02:13 23/09/2015 -0500, Julio Saleme wrote:
I was using the Fresh 5.0.1 version and encounter two bugs in Writer

1) at random times when I'm typing the text move to two or three lines above.
2) random black selection shadow appears as I'm writing, when correcting a text and start erasing everything instead of editing (As shown in the picture)

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So I downgraded to the stable version of Still 4.4.5 but the same two bugs happen. How to fix it?

It's possible that this is not a software bug and has nothing to do with LibreOffice. Are you perhaps using a system - probably a notebook - with a touch-sensitive trackpad? if so, it is quite possible that you are touching the trackpad with part of your hand - perhaps your thumb - or dragging it over the trackpad whilst you are typing. These actions will respectively move the cursor position or select a region of text, producing exactly the effects you describe. The fact that it occurs with different software versions provides extra evidence for this diagnosis. You notice it in LibreOffice because that is the application you mostly use.

You will probably find it difficult to believe that you are doing this, but I can assure you that I have watched people doing exactly this! Since you are concentrating on typing, you will not be aware of exactly what your thumb is doing. Get someone to watch you typing in order to be convinced. If this is your problem, you will find that you can adjust the sensitivity of the trackpad; this setting will be in your operating system (in Control Panel? under Mouse?), not in LibreOffice. If you reduce the sensitivity sufficiently, you should find this problem goes away.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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