At 12:10 14/11/2015 -0600, Jorge Rodríguez wrote:
I have two different matrix. One of them has a list of item from a site of internet. The other I made it. But both matrix are different but each row sometime has a equal word between them ... that word is what I'm finding to match both row.

I fancy the problem needs to be better defined.
o Is the equal word the entire contents of each cell or are you looking for substrings in common? o What do you expect as the result? Just an indication in each row of whether the cells are identical? A separate list of row numbers that satisfy the criterion? A separate list of words that match? A separate list of unique words that match?

Try =A1=B1 in C1 and fill down. Or =IF(A1=B1;"Snap!";"").

I used Vlookup but it doesn't work for me.

You would use VLOOKUP() if you wanted to search all the rows of one column for a match for each cell in the other - which is not what you appear to want here.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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