Don Parris wrote:
Still trying to work out the OUTER JOIN syntax apparently.  I tried a
simpler outer join statement:
"tCoreType"."type" "Type", "tCoreCategory"."category" "Category"
FROM {oj "tCoreType" "ctype" LEFT OUTER JOIN "tCoreCategory" "ccat"
   ON "ctype"."type_id" = "ccat"."type_id"}

This gives me the following error:
SQL Status: S0022
Error code: -28

Column not found: tCoreType.type in statement [SELECT "tCoreType"."type"
"Type", "tCoreCategory"."category" "Category" FROM      "tCoreType" "ctype"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "tCoreCategory" "ccat" ON "ctype"."type_id" =
"ccat"."type_id"  ]

The column "type" is most certainly one of the columns in the specified
table.  No matter what order or how I try to enter this, it just comes up
with an error message.  Any ideas?  I really would like to learn how to
make this work.

"tCoreType" "ctype" in the FROM clause renames the "tCoreType" as "ctype" for the purposes of this query. So in the SELECT clause you need to refer to it as "ctype", as you have done in the join condition. Likewise for renaming "tCoreCategory" to "ccat". So:
SELECT "ctype"."type" "Type", "ccat"."category" "Category" ...


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