Nasrin (and others),

On 2016-01-21 21:38, nasrin khaksar wrote:
hi every one.
i thank you for your time and answering my question.
i was waiting to see all comments and after that reply them.
i recieved my answer from tom and also i i appreciate him specially.

On 1/21/16, Andreas Säger <> wrote:
Am 21.01.2016 um 01:42 schrieb Tom Davies:
Hi :)
Many people on this mailing list have had signatures that include
Bible quotes or such-like without anyone grumbling or anything.  I
thought it was nice to see something similar from a different religion
for a change.

Regards from
Tom :)

And I tend to ignore all of them instinctively. I would not have
answered this topic if I had noticed that sermon.
Interesting how the least relevant null topics trigger the most
extensive discussions on this list. Trolls at work.

O people! there has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord
and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy
for the believers.
Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should
rejoice; it is better than that which they gather.
holy quran, chapter 10.

please visit

Since it appears that it is OK to proselytise on this list I will tell you about MY God - who is better than your gods (since your gods don't really exist):

MY God is Jibbers Crabst and was revealed to the world in a great sermon by the Muchly High Priest and First Prophet, Matt Inman:

Jibbers is a fire-breathing lobster who lives behind the rings of Saturn. Jibbers is THE ONE TRUE GOD and replaces all previous false gods. Everyone who is believer in other false gods should immediately repent of their mistaken beliefs and adore and commit their lives to Jibbers - our Lord and Saviour.

The Yankee People are the chosen people of Jibbers (see the sermon for details - I am Australian BTW but that does not affect my belief in Jibbers as the ONE TRUE GOD) and will dwell forever in The House of Jibbers.

If you do not see the light and immediately switch your belief from your false gods to Jibbers, the soldiers and children of Jibbers, giant Bombardier Beetles, will rise up and send flaming balls down all of your unbelieving throats for the rest of eternity! After that eternity, giant Brazilian Wandering Spiders will inject you all with venom that will cause more pain than is imaginable for another eternity!

So Nasrin, and others, repent of your erroneous faiths and before it is too late, pledge your lives to the ONE TRUE GOD - Jibbers Crabst! and be saved from eternal pain and damnation! and live with Jibbers forever around the most beautiful planet in the Solar system!

Have a nice day.


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794

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