Interesting! I have trouble replying to Brian's messages (and to the best of my 
knowledge, only his) on this list. My problem appears to be triggered by a 
newline character in his message id. Gmane possibly has a related problem with 
his posts. I wonder what change took place in Brian's eMail origination process 
around 19 Sep 2013. Maybe he changed ISPs or changed from one eMail client to 
another or to a web mail interface. I don't know but there is a definite 
problem there.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nino Novak <>
Sent: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 2:27
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Not archived mails at Gmane

On 04.01.2016 at 15:51 Nino Novak wrote:
> On 04.01.2016 at 14:49, Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 07:51 04/01/2016 -0500, William Drescher wrote:

>>> Brian's original post never did show up in my newsgroup feed (gmane).
>> How right you are! Nothing from me has appeared in Gmane since 19 September
>> 2013. You may have to choose a service which works, without censoring 
>> replies.
>> Does anyone know why I am persona non grata? I wonder how many others are ...
> Strange, in deed.
> I just sent a request for explanation to, will report their
> reaction hopefully soon :)

Here is what I asked and what Lars from replied :

>>>> in gmane.comp.documentfoundation.libreoffice.user, mails written by Brian
>>>> Barker obviously do not get archived since 19 Sept 2013 (exact date not
>>>> verified).
>>>> Can you explain, why?

>>> The usual reason is that the messages in question contain the
>>> X-No-Archive header.  I haven't examined the messages in question,
>>> though.
>> As you could see from the attached mail I sent you, it has no X-No-Archive
>> header. So there is no obvious reason not to archive it at Gmane from my
>> POV. But yet it is omitted. Can we have it archived, please?
> There are no filters for content on Gmane, so there's nothing I can do.

Now, I have no more ideas what else we could do about this issue. It remains
a mystery.

Sorry for that,

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