Ah, seems as if the pre-computer method was much simpler ...
          each time I drew a plan, all I needed was a straight-edge &
pencils  ;-)

From: Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de>
Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Objects in Draw move position
To: users@global.libreoffice.org

Hi James,

James Wilde schrieb:

I scanned in a map of our garden as I wanted to make detailed plans for
> the layout of different bits of the garden.  I loaded this scanned
> picture into Draw.
> Next I added a number of circles of various sizes to represent trees.
> The next step will be to capture a portion of the big map and enlarge it
> in order to do more detailed maps of the different parts of the garden.
> However, it seems that the circles for trees are not fastened to the
> map.  When I move the point of focus, the map moves as I expect, to show
> the new portion, but the green circles of trees stay where they are
> relative to the Draw window, so that they change position on the map.
> How to I pin the trees to the map?

Draw has the wonderful feature of layers. Make a new layer and insert the
map there. Then set the layer to locked. Next step make a new layer and
insert the tree-circles there, then set that layer to locked too. And so
one, make a layer for the plants, make a layer for furniture and
greenhouse, for water and electric or whatever you need.

If you do not want to start from scratch, you can drag an object onto the
tab of the new layer. It will be positioned on the new layer where it has
been on the old layer.

If you have selected an object, you can see in the statusbar, to which
layer this object belongs.

To insert a new layer right click a tab and use item "Insert layer" from
that context menu. For changing the mode of a layer activate it by click on
the tab and then right click the tab and use item "Modify layer".

To focus on a special part of the drawing use the tool "Zoom & Pan" from
the "Zoom"-toolbar. Click and drag as if you would draw a rectangle above
the area of interest. Then click on the "Select" arrow or click Esc-key to
leave that tool.

Kind regards

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