Good evening
I am not sure whether this is a LibreOffice (?) problem or just MY problem.
It happened before, but I will describe the latest episode.

I was working with Writer on a Word (.docx) file. As a translation job I
was supposed to overwrite that file.
The file contained images, tables and objects.
After being 2/3 finished, I saved the file, went downstairs and wanted
to continue working while having a coffee.
However, when I opened the file, saved in SpiderOakOne, I noticed, that
the latter 2/3 of the file were gone.
Including 1/2 day of work.
Even archived earlier versions of the same file showed only the first 1/3.
Trying to open that file with MS Word, resulted in the following error:
"File Format error at
SAXParse Exception:
[word/document.xml line 2]:
Attribute w:hAnsi redefined
Stream word/document.xml line 2, column 73305 (row,col)"

The file contained originally about 4300 Japanese characters.
Even though there was nothing on my screen beyond the first 1/3 of that
file, its size did not change.
When I deleted the second 2/3 of the original file, the original size of
470 kb shrank to 130 kb.
After I retyped all the lost work and saved that first as .ODT and then
later as .docx, file size was 23 and 16 kb respectively.

A different translator translating the same file (probably using MS
Word) into a different language had apparently no problems.

What is happening here?
Does this mean Writer has problems handling MS Word files?
Is it the incomprehensible .docs format?
Do I HAVE to use Word for such file? Something I really do not want to do!
Is there anything to PREVENT this kind of event? (retyping my work all
the time will get me into real trouble!)


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