On 09/04/2016 02:34 PM, Wiebe van der Worp wrote:
On 04-09-16 20:26, Bo Siltberg wrote:
I have a large document with lots of pictures currently using LO
After doing some editing, the page formatting function kicks in
automatically but does a bad job, inserting page breaks randomly and lots
of empty pages in sequence.

I am not sure it finishes, it looks like the process times out, or worse, crashes.

You could try to use a master document (.odm) with smaller sub-documents. It does not solve the problem, formatting is still stopping, but reformatting every sub-document/satellite can be forced after opening the odm, before exporting to pdf and or printing. On the other hand, if your document just opens correctly, you are probably creating extra work with this procedure.

From http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg46555.html

* Open document
* Update index
* Update selection for every satellite (using navigator)
* Update index again
* Export to PDF for printing and distribution

I have got the impression that it is the pictures LO has
problem with since most of these extra page breaks are made where there are
pictures nearby.

I agree. And calculating columns goes wrong too in certain large documents.

I have tried anchored them to the paragraph or as a
character without any effect that I can see. Closing and reopen the
document clears the problem as the initial page formatting works fine.

I did some testing with the large LO-manuals from https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/. They don't suffer from this problem, despite the large amount of pictures. This is described further in the link to the thread above. These pictures are in a frame, with the frame anchored as (not to) character, always followed by an enter.

Unfortunately this causes a lot of white space left and or right from the frame when small pictures or listings are involved.

I have a document that has many tables of only two columns of about 1 inch wide. I set up a Section for each table and formatted the section as three page columns to spread the table data over the page and not waste paper. As I add rows to the tables, the tables should expand serpentine fashion across the page and when the page fills, it should continue on the next page. What I was occasionally experiencing was something similar to what you are seeing. The tables would prematurely advance to the next page before filling the current page, or continue on the next page in other than the first section column, and blank pages would appear which could not be edited (the cursor could not be put in them), but were printed (negating the purpose of saving trees). This anomaly continued to my latest LO The last time I experienced this problem, I found the Tools -> Update -> Page Formatting option and having nothing to lose, tried it. I was pleasantly surprised that the pages were reformatted correctly with no blank pages and the table flow problems were corrected.

Girvin Herr

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