Le 13/10/2016 à 22:46, Gary Dale a écrit :

Hi Gary,

> This is absurd. The form letter should just contain the name of the
> fields and let the user select which database and/or query they wants to
> use. As it stands, I am apparently required to not only stick with the
> same database but also keep the same query name.

Whilst I would agreed with you, and it has been one of my pet hates for
a long time, the behaviour you are experiencing is inherited from
StarOffice and survived all the way through Sun's and Oracle's
stewardships of the OpenOffice.org project, so it is no real surprise
that it is still there in LibreOffice. The "field name placeholder", as
it is inserted in the document, is systematically linked to the complete
path of the datasource. I do have some vague recollection however that
is was easier to unlink and relink a data source in the way you want in
OpenOffice.org 1.x (and indeed in StarOffice before that). This was
changed in OpenOffice.org 2.x when the "new" Database module was
developed (to include embedded hsqldb). The links entry in the data
source configurator disappeared, never to be seen again.


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