Is the exporter you are talking about? Is it available as an xpi?

On 10/9/2017 2:45 PM, Toki wrote:
On 10/09/2017 04:47 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

I volunteer with several organizations, some of whom have standard
colours that I would like to add to the LibreOffice colour palette.
For those that insist on creating colour palettes from within LibO:
* Install the _Colour Palette Exporter_ extension;
* Create the desired palette by modifying the font colour of a paragraph
* Export the resulting palette;

Those who prefer to do things the easy way:
* Fire up a text editor;
* Start writing the appropriate xml code;
* Save the palette;

My recommendation is that if organisation branding includes predefined
colours for charts, then the filename has to be standard.soc, otherwise
use Organisation_Name_Branding.soc .

Distribute the palette to the organization.
Include instructions on how to correctly install the palette.

Installation instructions differ according to one's specific platform.
(For at least one Linux distro, colour palettes can not be customized,
unless you have support contract with the distro vendor.)


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