Hi Peter,

Am 07.01.2018 um 13:23 schrieb ptoye:
> Since upgrading to LO 5.7.3 a database of mine keeps getting corrupted. When
> I try to open it it opens in Writer with the text Ó×r6ÒÒ#v   If I try
> opening it in a Zip file reader I'm told it's not a valid Zip file. It's not
> consistent though; sometimes it opens OK.
> It's an embedded HSQLD database and I'm running Windows 7.
> Has anyone else here seen this? It doesn't seem to be in Bugzillla.

There isn't a special database-problem with LO 5.3.7. Do you use LO and
Java in the same bit-version?

Seems to be you file is really corrupted. If you couldn't get the
content with unzipping the *.odb-file I don't know any way to get the
data back.
You could only use a copy from your last backup instead.


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