At 17:31 30/01/2018 -0800, Dave Stevens wrote:
This started a couple weeks when I undoubtedly changed a setting. If I paste an image into a LO document I see it as in the first screenshot attached, but if I print preview or export as pdf I get the image properly. Does anyone recognize this particular mess-up?

At 17:59 30/01/2018 -0800, Dave Stevens wrote:
well the attachments didn't come through but what happens is that instead of getting an image I get an outline rectangle labeled Image 5

o Go to Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | View | Display.
o Tick "Graphics and objects".

As you say, this problem affects only the display in the editing screen, not the result, whether printed or exported as PDF, or indeed Page Preview. It is sometimes useful to suppress the display of images, as re-rendering them as the display changes can slow down the operation of the program, for example in scrolling.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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