Have you checked Format>Print ranges and checked View>Page break to see that the graphs fit on the page.
Does File>Prit preview show all graphs.


On 28/03/18 09:01, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

I have a large spreadsheet of 23 sheets of which all but two contain full page graphs i.e. at 200% magnification the graph stretches until column K and down to row 25.

On a monthly basis I need to select 11 of the sheets, 10 of which hold graphs and Export as PDF into a single PDF. The 'export' works but only on 6 pages, whilst the others are lost in the ether. The PDF created is an Archive PDF/A, duplicate field names are allowed and View PDF after export is selected with lossless compression of the selected sheets. I have tried creating the PDF as a Hybrid PDF with the same results although no warning about transparency.

Viewing in Adobe Reader afterwards only produces some of the sheets and does not begin with the first sheet selected.

I am using Version:
Build ID: 4014ce260a04f1026ba855d3b8d91541c224eab8
CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.13.3; UI render: default;
Locale: en-ZA (en_ZA.UTF-8); Calc: group

Please advise as there are approximately 1500 people who receive the graphs and could therefore want to try Libreoffice themselves.

I have searched the Bugzilla and not found one that matches so have created a new one titled: Bug 116667 - FILESAVE: Export as PDF

Any comments?

P.S.:I am on the Libreoffice users mailing list and can be reached privately via mailto:hyl...@conacher.co.za

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