Howdy Patrick, et al;

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 9:11 AM Patrick Gelin <> wrote:

> I think there is a problem with python: nomadism ! If I want to use my
> USB key with Base connecting to HSQLDB I need to install
> LibreOffice/OpenOffice into the PC, then JAVA, Then HSQLDB ... then
> Python ! It's a lot. I would like to use nn install system at work
> because admin installed LibreOffice and Java but not Python ... So may
> be for me java would be better than python in this context. What I love
> with Basic programmation : all it's embeded with my Base application !

Well, maybe the flatpak release package would work better for your
situation; just a thought.

> *** Do you know a good book for LibreOffice/OpenOffice/UNO Java/Python
> programmation ? ***
> What about UNO API if I use Python/Java ? Is there inline documentation ?
I would recommend first the SDK documentation. The with basic or python the
use of an object inspector extension wich can link to that documentation.
The SDK is available for download from the main site.
You can find some information about python object inspectors and editors on
the wiki at

> What about events management if I'm using event catch into extern
> application ? With basic I can open a simple dialog box to connect
> events to catch function, but with extern program I will need to
> register manualy. The interest to use LibreOffice Base is to build
> rapidedly a simple database interface...
A lot of the 'how to' pages I find for libreoffice/python start with an
example of running libreoffice in a mode that allows an external python
application to interact with it.
However you can also use python code from within the libreoffice
application, through the macro support. When you do that then you can setup
your listeners on many things, like documents or forms, just as easily
using python as basic. Dialog boxes, as you note, is not one of them. Yes
you have to set that up in your python script when you prep to instantiate
the dialog and if you want to use the basic IDE dialog editor you have to
do a tab bit more in python than basic.

> I know, if you use Python or Java you are connected with Uno. But I know
> also there is some complexity with typing variables between Uno or
> Java/Python scripts ... And then, I know also Python is using some C++
> interfaces,by memory for event mangement .... Uno is C++ also, isn't it ?
I would say, think of uno as a specification for an API and the uno objects
which service requests through the api could be written in more then c++.
(but IIRC, it has some c++ ish quirks)

I think a python/libreoffice cookbook would be a great idea, btw.

Best wishes,

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