
Thanks for your quick response.

Yes, it still looks like I can run my reports, so this is not a workflow show-stopper. However, it is a productivity (or lack of) issue. Starting from scratch to make a new report with a minor change, such as a new "sort", when I could just copy and modify an existing report, is not fun.

AHA! I just thought of a work-around and it seems to work. I opened the existing report in "Edit" mode and then did a "Save-As" on it and got the new report, which I can now edit without affecting the old report.

Thanks for the help and inspiration.
Girvin Herr

On 09/22/2018 01:17 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
I don't mysql up and running and a slightly newer LibreOffice
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 4.15; UI render: default; VCL: gtk2;

Also a slightly older version
5.3.0 Alpha

This is under Ubuntu 18.04, and I also checked with a couple of newer
versions of LibreOffice, again though only with hsql and firebird embedded
(in some of the newer versions) databases.

I have no problem doing a copy/paste of a report, either into the same ODB
or into a different ODB.

So it is only reports. I assume you can run those RB reports with your
current installation without problem.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 3:57 PM Girvin Herr <ghe...@fastmail.com> wrote:


I am running LO under Linux 4.4 and gtk2 2.24.31 and with
Mariadb 10.0.35 and the mysql-connector-java driver.

I just realized I can no longer copy a Base report and paste it as a new
report for modification. I do not get the "Insert as" dialog popup to
change the destination report name. No error, no nothing - as if I never
did the paste. I tried the mouse popup, ctrl-v, and the edit > Paste
functions. None worked. This feature works for all but reports. This
worked fine on older versions, but I do not know where it broke. What
happened to this valuable feature and is there another way to do a
report copy-paste?

Girvin Herr

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