It is good that LO hybrid pdf is not and can be ever be a pdf editor.. If we

wanted the realĀ  thing spyware on our machines we would use it instead of LO..

On 2018-10-03 08:16 AM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Brian Barker wrote
... If your characters are sufficiently
unusual, it is just possible that any receiving system may not have a
font that includes them. This is where PDFs come in, since they are
different, incorporating subsets of required fonts. That's one of the
facets that makes them "P" (for "Portable").
Exactly, but would caution that while LibreOffice filter handling of PDF is
now *very* good when "inserting" a PDF as an image (it is pdfium based and
will use the embedded fonts correctly to render the PDF as image) but it
will perform exactly the same font substitution and fallback when the PDF is
filter imported and opened in Draw (default) or  Calc, Writer, or Impress.

LibreOffice's hybrid-PDF solves much of this, but folks should understand
that LibreOffice is not and can *never* be a PDF editor.


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