At 11:40 05/10/2018 +0100, Budge Noname wrote:
I have a value in a column (which is not the first column,) ...

What does it matter which column it is in? (Answer: it doesn't.)

... in the first sheet and second sheet with a two column table of values with their equivalents. I want to look up the value find the equivalent from the second sheet and enter it in the adjacent column. Cannot use VLOOKUP ...

Er, you probably can ...

... because the value is not in first column.

I'm not sure what you are thinking of when you say "first column" here!

What is best way forward please?

First, there is no restriction in all this for anything to be in the first column in the sense of column A of any sheet: your material can be anywhere. Secondly, the only restriction in the use of VLOOKUP() is that the column in which you are searching for a match should be to the left of the column containing the corresponding value you wish to harvest - and not even necessarily adjacent. In your case, that means that your two-column table on the second sheet needs to have its values on the left and the equivalents to the right - very probably what you would arrange naturally anyway.

If your (second sheet) table was part of the spreadsheet's printed output and you specifically wanted the columns in the other order (which is perhaps unlikely), you could always make a copy in the other order of columns somewhere out of your print range and use that for the VLOOKUP() search. By "copy", I mean a dynamic one using formulae, of course, not just a dump of the current values of the data.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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