Hi all,

I use LibreOffice as frontend for a PostgreSQL 10.5 database, using the native 
(*not* JDBC) driver.  The minimum way to reproduce the issue is a table like

    id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
    value text,
    modtime timestamp without time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, now()) 

In LibreOffice I created a form containing these elements, and set the property 
“Input required” on the “Data” tab to “No” for all of them.

Using LibreOffice (Build-ID: 1:6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) coming with Ubuntu 
18.04, this works just fine, in particular it is /not/ necessary to enter a value for 
“id” (marked “<AutoField>” in the form) or for “modtime”.

However, using the official package (Version; Build ID: 
65905a128db06ba48db947242809d14d3f9a93fe) the form is broken.  When I do not 
enter anything in the “modtime” entry, LibreOffice rejects adding a new record: 
a popup is shown, reading

Error writing data to database
Input required in field 'modtime'. Please enter a value.

which is obviously wrong.

It looks as if LibreOffice 6.1.2 ignores the “Input required” property 
(Actually, in the more complex real project, LibreOffice 6.1.2 requires input 
for columns which are /not/ defined as “NOT NULL” *and* have “Input required” 
set to “No”, but it seems to be harder to reproduce it in a minimalistic 

Did I miss something in the configuration (what?), or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance,
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