On Thu, 2019-07-18 at 10:48 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> Le 18/07/2019 à 09:47, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :
> Hi Harvey,
> > I using LibreOffice (version Base as client to a backend
> > Mariadb10 via MySQL(JDBC) connector. 
> > 
> > I have a created a Query in Base of the form SELECT * FROM
> > <tablename>
> > ORDER BY <Field1> ASC, <Field2> ASC
> > 
> How did you create this query ? Sounds like you did this via the
> Query
> Designer GUI ?
> How is the query being executed ? Via the internal LO SQL parser
> (default when executing via Query Designer) or directly via the db
> engine (direct SQL button activated) ?
> FWIW, there are a few known issues between the MySQL (JDBC) Connector
> and a MariaDB backend when used in combination through LO.
> Have you tried using the MariaDB JDBC connector instead ?
> Alex
Hi Alex,

things have become a bit clearer now. 

Yes, I created the query via the Base GUI. The query is called up by
Data control of the form. 

OpenSUSE provides only the ODBC connector for mariadb, no JDBC

It is the behaviour of the GUI query editor that got me confused.

With the GUI query editor, I copied the entire table as <tablename>.*
into the query fields. I followed up by adding two of the table fields
to the query and selected 'ascending' for sorting for each of these 2
fields. I noticed then, that I could not deselect the 'Visible' flags
for these 2 sort fields. Why on earth not? The behaviour means that the
 2 fields will each now appear twice when running the query. No wonder
then that the Form based on this query did not transfer the data from
those fields back to the table. It could not cope with the ambiguity  

On inspecting the SQL text of the query, I was expecting a query of the
SELECT * FROM <tablename> ORDER BY <Field1> ASC, <Field2> ASC

What I saw was:

SELECT * <tablename>.*, <tablename>.<Field1>, <tablename>.<Field2> FROM
<schema>.<tablename> <tablename> ORDER BY <Field1> ASC, <Field2> ASC

After deleting the text ', <tablename>.<Field1>, <tablename>.<Field2>'
from the SQL query, the extra fields were not displayed on running the
query. But on saving the query again, the deleted text was added again,
and it's back to square one.

Is this a bug? It can't be right, that the 'Visible' flags of the extra
fields cannot be deselected. Obviously, the corresponding SQL queries,
with or without the flags are different giving different query results,
but the GUI behaviour forces only the one variant. Also, surely,
'hidden' behaviour, as happens to the SQL text by just saving the GUI
query without any changes must always be wrong. 

Fortunately, I have the workaround of removing the sort fields from the
GUI query and adding them to the form.


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