Thanks for this info,it was the use of alt-gr key that i didnt know - vety 
helpful. Ive looked at several variants of english keyboard layouts and havent 
found one with the macron vowels. Since later i will probably also want caron 
vowels as well i dont think i'll go down that route. Also i want classical 
greek chars, and whilst i know that it is technically possible to get them from 
the keyboard (i used to do that when i used Windows) there are far too many key 
combinations to temember. When i get the chance i'll check for any ubuntu 
updates that might resolve the problems with Onboard; failing that i will try 
to write my own simple customisrd onscreen keyboard to conveniently select the 
characters i want - just as soon as i find out how to get a tkinter program to 
output the characters to a different running program,ie output the character 
without the tkinter app 'stealing' the focus. (I'll probably do that in any 
case at some stage but i don't know when as I've also got other pressing issues 
that have arisen since reinstalling ubuntu).
Gary     On Friday, 9 August 2019, 16:54:58 BST, James Knott 
<> wrote:  
 Are you referring to the International English keyboard I referred to ?

If so, you have to go into the input devices to select the layout.  On
openSUSE 15.1 & KDE, it's Configure Desktop > Input Devices.  In
Keyboard, Layouts tab, near the bottom, you'll find the area for
configuring layouts.  Enable Configure Layouts and make your choice.  I
selected English (intl., with AtlGr dead keys).  You'll then have a
layout for U.S. International English. You can see the layout here:

You then use the right Alt (Alt Gr) and shift keys to select which
character a key represents.  For example, Alt Gr & ; = ¶, Shift Alt Gr &
; = °, Alt Gr & 5 = €, etc.

Most of the characters shown on the layout work.

On 2019-08-09 11:31 AM, wrote:
> How do you access the extra characters from the keyboard? (I used to
> use ubuntu onboard onscreen keyboard which was very useful, especially
> for clasical greek, but since upgrading ubuntu to 18.04 i havent been
> able to get it to work for extended characters)
> On Friday, 9 August 2019, 12:04:36 BST, James Knott
> <> wrote:

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