At 14:39 30/12/2019 -0500, James Lockie wrote:
I had a spreadsheet with dates that I think somehow got converted to text. I tried pasting it as plain text with detecting special numbers and I tried setting the column to a date format but it still seems to come out as text. 'Wed, Jan 2, 2020'

Dates are sensitive to language and locale, so no guarantees, but ...; you should be able to convert your data using the spreadsheet program's own facilities. Try this:

o Suppose your date data is in column A. Select the range (or column) and go to Data | Text to Columns... . Under Separator options, tick Comma, Space, and Merge delimiters. OK. You now have the four parts of your dates separately in columns A, B, C, and D.

o In the first row of your data in a new column, enter (for, say, row 1)
- and fill down the column. Note the jumbled order of the parameters, so what is offered to the DATEVALUE() function is three parts of your date concatenated as "2Jan2020".

o Format the values in the new column as desired, perhaps as

You can copy the resulting values back over the originals if you wish - or elsewhere, of course - using Paste Special with Formulae unticked.

Oh, and by the way, unless something very strange is about to happen, I'm expecting 2 January 2020 to be a Thursday, not a Wednesday!

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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