There may be another answer.

I import semi-colon (;) separated data into Writer, recorded Macro filters and tied them together. In my case, I made a Menu which reformat the data fields.

See the example below from URL:

Also, this simple Sub:

|SubFindSheet(aNumber)MsgBox"Here is the number "&aNumber EndSub|

run from terminal as:


or on some systems:

|soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.FindSheet(4)"|

displays the proper variable and message in a message box.

Another note, when executing the macro from terminal and all of LO is closed, you will briefly see the LO splash screen displayed.

Thanks Brian for your reply, unfortunately that does not help me.

What I'm looking for is a way to work with csv files with minimum hassle.
I do not need features such as column widths, other formatting etc. to be saved 
in the file(s).
I just need to specify the way LO displays csv files when they are opened (as 
command line arguments so I can automate that).

Your proposed workaround would require manual adjustments, on a file by file 
basis, and each time they are opened.
These manual steps are what I'm looking to avoid. Else I could just resize the 
columns and enable wrapping every time and be done with this.

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