At 14:35 14/06/2020 -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
I created a footnote to define a term in a document. All went well, except that the term occurs in more than one location on the same page and I want to duplicate the number of the footnote in the text for the other instances of the term, but have the text of the footnote appear only once at the bottom of the page.

[...] I [...] decided that I would just put a superscript '1' at the end of the subsequent instances of the term. This works, but I can't get the superscript 1 to look the same as the footnote '1.' The footnote '1' is in some other font and heaven knows what size and position it is in. I can select it, but selecting paragraph or character dialog window doesn't reveal what its settings are.

You should expect that: everything worth doing is done via styles! As has already been suggested, what you need is the Footnote Anchor character style.

But that isn't quite the whole story. Footnote anchors and footnotes are hyperlinks to each other, so you need only click on the footnote anchor to skip to the associated footnote. Inserting an extra anchor and formatting it appropriately will give the right appearance but not that function. Try this as well:
o Insert the new anchor number and format it as above.
o Select the anchor number.
o Go to Insert | Cross-reference... .
o On the Cross-references tab of the Fields dialogue, select Footnotes for Type and the relevant footnote under Selection.
o Click Insert and Close.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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