At 16:11 29/06/2020 -0700, Mark Noname wrote:
I have spreadsheets from my financial institutions (for tax purposes). Some of them do the deposits as positive and the debits as negative, and others do the reverse. Is there an easy way to multiply an entire column by -1 so I can make them all fit a uniform convention?

Of course.

Obvious way:
o Suppose your values are in column A, starting at row 2.
o In a new column, enter =-A2 in row 2.
o Fill down the new column.
o Cut or Copy the values in the new column.
o Paste back over column A, but using Edit | Paste Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste.
o In the Paste Special dialogue, ensure that Formulas is *not* ticked.
o Delete the new column.

Clever way:
o Enter -1 in a spare cell somewhere.
o Copy that value.
o Select the range of values to be negated.
o Go to Edit | Paste Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V).
o In the Paste Special dialogue, under Operations, select Multiply.

What I've done before is convert the spreadsheets to .csv, use a shell script to invert the chosen column and then convert back to .ods. This is really clunky.

There are always unnecessarily complicated ways to solve any problem.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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