Le 27/07/2020 à 14:33, Michael Manning a écrit :

> I do not have a /etc/my.cnf file.

Well you have a configuration file somewhere in that XAMPP stack. The
question is where ?

BTW, not quite sure why you are using XAMPP rather than just installing
the distrib-provided  versions of LAMP on the Ubuntu machine ?

> The only line that is not a comment in my /etc/mysql/my.cnf file is:
> !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

Have you looked in  /etc/mysql/conf.d/ to see which configuration files
are in there ?

> I should also mention that I am using XAMPP for the installation of MySQL
> and that this has also installed an apache web server and PHPMyAdmin which
> are all working correctly.  Should this make any difference to the way that
> LibreOffice connects via the JDBC connector?

XAMPP will be running the mysql server instance (and the Apache server
and phpyadmin) using its own particular configuration files.

>    - Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
>    - Server type: MariaDB

> Is this a hint that sockets are being used and not port 3306 that
> LibreOffice is expecting?  If so, how should I fix this?

That message tells you that the server instance is running locally
(localhost) on a Unix socket, accessible via the default port 3306.

In order for it to be available to LO, you need to be able to point to
the socket file in the driver configuration dialog when setting up your
connection from LO. I seem to recall that we have had this exchange
already on the bug report you filed.

If you can't point LO to the Unix socket file (for whatever reason, e.g.
XAMMP is running in a jail, or you don't have access rights to the file,
or the dialog won't recognize any other path than a hardcoded default
(which is perfectly possible), then you will need to find and edit the
configuration file of the mysql server to allow general TCP/IP connections.

Usually this is done by :
- commenting out the line "skip-networking" ;
- adding the keyword bind-address= (to allow access from any
TCP/IP address, which is a potential security risk) or else specifying
your local IP LAN mask, to limit access to the instance from the local
network only.


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