Hi Dave,

please excuse, same in English:

Regina Henschel schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 20:47:
Hi Dave,

Dave Barton schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 16:33:
I am trying to create a Writer document with a number of links to files
in the same directory as the odt file itself. Using absolute paths
everything works perfectly, but relative links (eg. file://abc.xyz)
always fail with a "not an *absolute* URL" error.

You create the hyperlink with Ctrl+K and then Document?

Do not try to manually enter the link, but _always_ use the button at the right side of the Target input field. Of cause the target needs to be already in the same folder as the text file.

Be not confused by the shown text. It does not show, what is stored in the file. The link is stored as relative. Such links are usually stored as relativ, even if not in the same folder. Only if a target is on a different drive, the link is absolute.

If you are unsure about the saved text, open the file e.g. with 7Zip and look into the content.xml. You will find the link starting with ../

Kind regards

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