Is it possible it is an old document from an earlier version of LO.
A while back the way LO anchored images (and frames) was changed, images in tables were particularly affected throwing out text positioning also and I had to go through all my manuals and change my image anchoring to "as character".

On 05/07/2022 04:59, Ian Bertram wrote:
I have been sent a graphic heavy document in ODT format. However it looks as if 
it has been badly converted from a pdf file. The layout is scrambled, headers 
don’t align properly and there are a host of other issues. It is also in 
columns. Is there a simple way to strip out everything bar the words? I have 
tried saving it as a txt file, but this loses a lot of the paragraph numbering 
and introduces other layout issues. Saving in rtf format is even worse.

The best I have managed so far has been by converting all the text to a single 
style and removing the columns. All the graphics however overlap text and it is 
often very difficult to find the anchor point.

Sent fromMailfor Windows

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