Okay, I did the same mistake again and sent my reply to the OP rather than
to the list. Once again sorry for that.
Now I intend to reply again, see below.

Den mån 15 aug. 2022 kl 00:01 skrev MR ZenWiz <mrzen...@gmail.com>:

> On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 6:14 AM Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Den sön 14 aug. 2022 kl 03:47 skrev MR ZenWiz <mrzen...@gmail.com>:
> >>
> >> I've noticed recently that the way the Find (Edit->Find or ^F) feature
> >> works in LO 7.2.7 is different - it treats the Find panel as a
> >> separate window
> > Exactly what do you mean by that?
> The main problem I noticed is that, when I find a target and click
> over to modify it, I can't dismiss the Find panel without clickinginto
> it again or clicking the red circle x on the left end.

Ctrl+f Esc works for me (first Ctrl+f to get back inside the Find toolbox,
then Esc to close it). I guess it takes a while to get used to, but at
least you don't have to touch the mouse.

> <esc> only
> works if it is the first thing I type after the find ( aor series of
> finds using <cr> to go from one to the next).

It seems like Esc only works if the search field is selected, so that might
be a bug (or maybe there is another way to close the Find toolbox). A
workaround for that seems to be to hit Esc Ctrl+f Esc, so maybe a bit
annoying. It seems like I'm also able to backtab (Shift+⇥) to the search
field and then hit Esc to close it.

> >> without actually giving you a separate window, and
> >> won't let you do something else, like exit the search, without
> >> dismissing the panel.
> > The Esc key works for me in LibreOffice Then Ctrl+f again to go
> back to the search field. The panel is present all the time, if you with
> ”panel” are referring to the tool bar that becomes visible when hitting
> Ctrl+f in the first place.
> IIRC, <esc> does dismiss the panel at the bottom of the LO window, and
> yes, ^F works to reissue the find.
> >> It does allow an escape to dismiss the panel IFF the focus is still in
> >> the panel and I'm not trying to do something outside the panel or have
> >> already typed <alt><tab>.
> > Yes? And what does it not allow?
> See above.
> >> Am I alone in detesting this new "feature?" Am I wrong in seeing this
> as new?
> > I like the old Find better, but I can't really see your the problem with
> this one. Exactly what is it that you want to do that you can't do with the
> current one? Sorry if I'm slow…
> Again, see above. I like the old behavior much better - more
> intuitively obvious, to say the least.
> >> It makes getting out of the search more difficult than it used to be,
> > I can't remember that it was easier then hitting the Esc key in the
> older versions.
> Not so much easier as more obvious. Th epanel at the bottom of the
> window is lss obtrusive and, thus, less obvious.

I guess there are pros and cons there and in the end a matter of taste.
Generally I personally prefer speed over ”user friendliness”, because you
are only a beginner for a short amount of time. The rest of the time you
want to do things quickly. However, in this case I guess the old Find was
just as quick as the new one.

>> without the (previous) actual sub-window that makes it clear (and easy
> >> to dismiss) that I am not in the same place as outside the search.
> > I agree that the old find was better, but maybe a little redundant since
> it was almost identical to Find & Replace (Ctrl+h).
> > The main thing I don't like with the current Find is that there are too
> few options. For instance I can't make it search whole words. If I need to
> do that, I have to use Find & Replace instead.
> >
> Agreed 100% - way too few options.
> >> I use Word now for my book writing (because LO is still not even close
> to 100% compatible).
> > Compatible with what? Some file format or what?
> The horrid but almost universally used .docx format. Even using Word
> for editing my documents, the LO versions look and behave slightly
> differently,

Improving for every new version though, as far as I know (I'm not using
that format myself, except at work).

> and converting them from .odt to .docx was a gruelling
> effort - I wrote a book in LO that is 355 pages long, and converting
> it to Word .docx format took me over a day to get right,and they don't
> match. If I edit it with LO again, Word doesn't read it right.

Yes, as far as I know the OOXML ISO format is not easy to implement for
third party developers, and I guess the Microsoft people are very happy
with that.

> I
> wouldn't care, except that .odt is not universally recognized or
> accepted by publishers, even Amazon, whereas .docx is.

That's the crazy thing, I think. I don't know anything about publishing,
but are publishers supposed to edit the files? If not, they should only
accept PDF, shouldn't they? But as I said, I guess I have no clue.

> >> However, for almost all my spreadsheets and other writing, I prefer LO
> because I'm used to it.
> > Me too, but mainly because I like it much better than every other
> spreadsheet application I've ever used.
> :-D
> >> This "feature" drives me up the wall. It makes using "Find and
> >> Replace" (^H) a more attractive option.
> > So use that instead, right? It's like a somewhat bloated version of the
> old Find.
> I'm planning to. Just need to remember ^H, not ^F (or maybe I'll
> reconfigure the key combo...).
You can actually assign both Ctrl+f and Ctrl+h to the same command if you
want to.

> >> Is it worth a bug or should I find a way to adapt?
> > If it's really important to you I guess it's worth a try, but I wouldn't
> expect much of success in this case. They probably had good reasons to
> change it in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't bother, and I'd guess
> they are not too happy to change it back to the old one, but I'm just
> guessing now…
> That's pretty much what I thought.
> Thanks!
> Mark

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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