Hi *,

Really? Do you think there exist a better one?

Any recommendations for a different email client to run with Windows 10?

Yes Brad I am aware of that and have been for many years. I had
intended to send the email off-list to Martin, but the new Thunderbird
is such a screw up it didn't indicate it was also sending to the list
as well. Pity Mozilla have destroyed a great email client.

Might be a discussion off topic. But this is the only one I am irritated of new Thunderbird: By default I answered direct to list. Could move the buttons of the mail editor to where I want. Now the buttons couldn't be moved and I have very ofter answered per private mail instead of mail to list.

I don't think there is a mail client that will work better for me. And the described behavior might be changed in the future.

And for all, who will need attachments and not only text context in a list: Use https://ask.libreoffice.org/ instead.


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