I've written perl scripts to scrape the accounting log and throw the entries into a mysql database - mainly so we could write our own simple queries and text based reporting tools. Never wrote the web app though at one time when I was entranced with ruby-on-rails I thought it would be a cool use-case use case to play with.


- if you go simple and just slurp in the accounting file you CANT use the SGE job ID as a primary key or unique identifier. The ID will repeat itself in the log file for parallel and restarted jobs and will also eventually rotate around.

- the value for dbrwriter is what it does with the reporting file, the accounting file AND the new values it derives from those data sets. There is a lot to be learned from dbrwriter.

My secret plan was always to keep dbrwriter, the schema and the code that loads it into a database. I just wanted to toss the web console and replace it with something more simple and useful. Never got far.


William Deegan wrote:

I'm pondering writing a python based dbwriter replacement which would
just parse the accounting file and stuff it in a db, and then have some
python web app framework for reporting.

Has anyone already done this?

Any suggestions on how to "eat" the accounting log file?
(consume it so it never gets big? Do I rotate it out and parse and

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