We're running SGE 6.2u5 and seem to be having a problem with using
command-line options to disable boolean attributes set in the .sge_request

We've got both CentOS4 and CentOS5 nodes. There are complex entries
for each:

    qconf  -sc|egrep "#|centos"
    #name  shortcut  type relop requestable consumable default  urgency  
    centos4    c4    BOOL  ==   YES         NO         0       1000
    centos5    c5    BOOL  ==   YES         NO         0       1000

Compute nodes have the appropriate attributes for those resources.

Without a .sge_request file, users can direct jobs to either type of node by
specifying "-l centos4" or "-l centos5".

By default, users have a ~/.sge_request file that contains:

        -l centos5

This works fine, except for the rare times when someone needs an
interactive session on a CentOS4 machine.

Since the "centos5" complex is a boolean, I hoped to be able to run:

        qlogin -l centos4 -l centos5=0
        qlogin -l centos4,centos5=0

and have the "centos5" request from the ~/.sge_request be disabled.

However, this always times out, exactly as if both "-l centos4" and "-l
centos5" were specified and no node could satisfy both requests.

The behavior is the same even if there is no ~/.sge_request file.

It seems as if any instance of an attribute on the command line, regardless of
any value, is the same as setting the boolean to "YES". For example, this
command line is accepted by SGE, but times out:

        qlogin -l centos5=7,centos4=-5

Oddly enough, this:
        qlogin -l centos4,centos5=NO
produces an error:
        attribute "centos5" is not a boolean value

Any suggestions?


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