
I am using Grid Engine 8.1.2 setup with some 20 queues.

Most queues point to a set of private nodes.   A few queues point to a pool of 
shared nodes.

All queues are FIFO order.   I like to convert a couple of the share queues to 
use FairShare instead of FIFO order.

I asked this question before and the answer was that FairShare cannot be 
applied to a queue only.  Is there a way to get around this using a project?

Can I accomplish this by creating a project with a list of users in said 
project and then applying FairShare to that project only?

So what I am thinking is to have one project called "bio" with a set of users.  Another 
project called "math" with a different set of users.

Can I then apply FairShare on each project by itself so that "bio" project does not interfere with "math" project? In other words, a FairShare setup only for "bio" users and a different FairShare setup for "math" users?


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