
Am 28.10.2013 um 01:21 schrieb Joseph Farran:

We have setup BLCR (  Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart ) on our cluster with
> Grid Engine ckpt scripts to process the checkpoints and restart methods.
> In an effort to make things as easy as possible for our user base, I am using
> Grid Engine "starter_method" to run our blcr_submit script which in turns
> runs BLCR cr_run.    All is working well but I have a question with regards
> to the starter_method script which looks something like this for our queue:
> $ qconf -sq free64 | grep starter_method
> starter_method        /data/hpc/sge/starter-method.sh
> $ cat /data/hpc/sge/starter-method.sh
> #!/bin/sh
> if [ "$SGE_CKPT_ENV" = blcr ]
> then
>    <our BLCR scripts>
> else
>    exec $SGE_STARTER_SHELL_PATH "$@"
> fi
> My question is with what is the *default* starter method, the else part?
> With respect to the else section, Is this correct?

To mimic the default behavior, it's also necessary to check 

In case it's relevant - as I always use 
SGE_STARTER_SHELL_START_MODE=unix_behavior, I just call:

exec "$@"

If you have different settings for the queues, it's necessary to check for 
SGE_STARTER_SHELL_START_MODE=posix_compliant and call the configured shell or 
just the script/binary like you mentioned above resp. a proper case for 

-- Reuti

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