On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 11:06:44AM +0200, R??my Dernat wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I am using SGE for some years now. I install my nodes through rocks
>    cluster with images. However, since Rocks is based on a old version of
>    CentOS, which is older than the last fedora or RedHat, we think about
>    moving to a debian base cluster, because we don't need certified stuff
>    (eg. for IB or nvidia or for some other software/reason).
>    I will configure my new nodes using the couple FAI/salt.
>    I have already many salt formulas/recipes.
>    I would like to manage my future cluster, and obviously my job scheduler,
>    SGE, with salt. 
>    Concerning SGE, I think we will move to the last version of SoGE.
>    I know that many of you already did it with puppet. I saw this repository
>    on github:
>    https://github.com/AAFC-MBB/sge-puppet.git
>    I take a look into this puppet formula, and it seems that there is a lot
>    to configure, not only SGE (ssh keys, iptables, nfs...). BTW, it is doing
>    an update on the exec node, which is *not wanted* here.
>    On many configuration file, on my master, I have this warning:
>    ```
>    # Version: 2011.11p1
>    # 
>    # 
>    ```
>    Indeed, I have OGS/GE 2011.11p1, but how SGE store is configuration datas
>    ? Everything is in configuration files ? If so, why this warning ?
>    Any idea or best practice to look at ?
They're not just config files but grid-engine's record of information about the 
object in question.
They exist to help grid-engine keep track of things over a qmaster restart.  
The config is
just part of the information in them.

Take a look at the files for exechosts they contain load values which aren't 
things you configure
but reports from various load sensors.  If you try writing to this file while 
the qmaster is up
your changes might get overwritten by gridengine updating a load report or the 
file might get corrupted
if you try to modify it in place.  There is no documented procedure for 
changing these files
and then telling a running gridengine to reread them.  Instead you use qconf to 
request a change then
the qmaster updates the files.

You would also be taking on the burden of keeping cluster queues hostgroups and 
consistent which will be checked automatically if you just use qconf.


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