   I'm using SGE 8.1.9 under debian Stretch

  I have a strange problem.

  when I use qstat , sometime the stats displayed are wrong. Then, I believe that gridengine doesn't work properly.

I explain what I see:

On Master : qstat -f  |grep para.q

par...@node10.example.org      BIP   0/0/40         14.45 lx-amd64
par...@node11.example.org      BIP   0/1/40         57.78 lx-amd64
par...@node12.example.org      BIP   0/0/40         1.00 lx-amd64
par...@node13.example.org      BIP   0/100/40       57.81 lx-amd64
par...@node14.example.org      BIP   0/40/40        98.00 lx-amd64      a
par...@node15.example.org      BIP   0/0/40         0.00 lx-amd64

But if I'm connect a terminal on node13 and I type "top" the load avg is 0.0 or something else that is not similar to 57.81

When I stop gridengine_execd  and then restart it

On  Master, qstat -f gives me the right value.

I suppose there is a better way to do this , but I can't find it.

Have you some advices ?

Best Regards

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