Hi Daniel,

Well done on wanting to work on gridengine, it's really good to see people interested.

Although the topmost layers have clearly suffered from years of applying patches on top of patches on top of patches and so are in sore need of a bit of refactoring, there are some really nice bits in gridengine.

In particular, the CULL (data management layer providing lists etc.) is amazing and pretty much bullet-proof... and the naming of data structure elements do tend to make sense :)

You might need to be careful when cloning. You may have already discovered this, but Dave used darcs which doesn't store history linearly. He exposes two main repos to git users: one which I think was effectively his master branch and a second containing all the releases.

In reply to one of your earlier posts, I don't seem to have much time to work on it but, FWIW, my github handle is bodgerer.



On Mon, 14 May 2018, Daniel Povey wrote:

oops my bad, looks like it means 'job granted'.  sorry for the spam.

On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:17 AM, Daniel Povey <dpo...@gmail.com> wrote:
And an interesting tidbit from the house of horrors that is SGE code:

A bunch of variable names in sge_follow.c, have JG in them, e.g. JG_qhostname.
I thought: this must be some highly informative variable naming
system, if only I could crack it (although for my own projects I don't
allow naming systems that are this non-obvious).

From grepping around, though, it actually seems to be the initials of
an SGE developer, Joachim Graeber :-(

If my students submitted code like this to me in a pull request, I not
only wouldn't merge it, I would be angry at them for even thinking
they might get it past me.  But I guess we don't get to choose when
it's legacy code.


On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:04 AM, Daniel Povey <dpo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you please create an issue for this at the new github location?
I'm having a look at the code (sge_follow.c; search for

It does look like it could potentially be a bug like you say, but I'm
having a hard time understanding the code.  It seems to have been
written before the days when documentation was expected in projects
like this.

On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 11:49 PM, Daniel Povey <dpo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you show the full output from when you do `qstat -j <job-id>` for
the job that's pending?

On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 11:39 PM, Joshua Baker-LePain <j...@salilab.org> wrote:
As I've mentioned on this list a few times, we are running SoGE 8.1.9 on a
small (but growing) cluster here.  With the addition of GPUs to the cluster,
we ran into what appears to be a resource scheduling bug (see
<http://gridengine.org/pipermail/users/2018-April/010109.html>).  We would
like to explore the possibility of sponsoring any existing SoGE contributors
to fix this issue.  If you're interested, please contact me off list.  We'd
be looking to contribute any fixes made back to the community (we're quite
happy to see the renewed interest in maintaining SoGE).  Thanks!

Joshua Baker-LePain
QB3 Shared Cluster Sysadmin
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