
> Am 20.03.2019 um 17:19 schrieb David Trimboli <trimb...@cshl.edu>:
> Something I can't quite find in the manuals...
> I have a couple of hosts in my cluster on which some users don't have 
> accounts. I want to configure Grid Engine to reject attempts by those users 
> to send jobs to those hosts. I've been trying to figure out how to set up a 
> host-based whitelist (it's shorter than a blacklist), but I can't quite get 
> it. How can I do this?

Please have a look at the user_lists entry. Each entry has to be an ACL, i.e. 
even a single user would need to be in an ACL with only his own name as a 
single entry. You can use them either on a per host basis (`qconf -me …`), or 
on a queue level (`qconf -mq …`). Which one you prefer depends on the number of 
hosts or queues you want to allow.

On a queue level you could use:

$ qconf -sq all.q
user_lists           NONE,[@special_hosts=allowed_users]

and the white listed users have to be in the allowed_users ACL and the 
@special_hosts are the machines where ordinary users are banned from.

-- Reuti
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