Le 31/01/2020 à 10:19, Reuti a écrit :
> Hi Jérôme,
> Personally I would prefer to keep the output of `qquota` short and use it 
> only for users's limits. I.e. defining the slot limit on an exechost basis 
> instead. This can also be done in a loop containing a command line like:
> $ qconf -mattr exechost complex_values slots=16 node29
> My experience is, that sometime RQS are screwed up especially if used in 
> combination with some load values (although $num_proc is of course fixed in 
> your case).
> -- Reuti
>  Dear Reuti,

If i understand correctly, you recomend me to disable the RQS for the
case of core, and add a complex_value of slots for all of the computes


-- Jérôme
Quand un arbre tombe, on l'entend ; quand la forêt pousse, pas un bruit.
        (Proverbe africain)
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