Hi Guy

Just assign the variable 

def comapreVersions = { a,b ->
        return getVersion(a).toInteger() <=> getVersion(b).toInteger()

and then use it in your sort:


Best regards,
Søren Berg Glasius
GR8Conf Europe organizing team

GR8Conf ApS
Mobile: +45 40 44 91 88, Web: www.gr8conf.eu, Skype: sbglasius 
Company Address: Buchwaldsgade 50, 5000 Odense C, Denmark
Personal Address: Hedevej 1, Gl. Rye, 8680 Ry, Denmark
--- GR8Conf - Dedicated to the Groovy Ecosystem

From: Guy Matz <guym...@gmail.com>
Reply: users@groovy.apache.org <users@groovy.apache.org>
Date: May 16, 2016 at 17:28:34
To: users@groovy.apache.org <users@groovy.apache.org>
Subject:  re-using a comparison closure  

I have to sort a list of strings based on a number within the string . . .  I 
am able to sort using something like:
list.sort( { a,b -> getVersion(a) <=> getVersion(b)})

I need to use this in a bunch of places in my code and was hoping to replace it 
with a method, like:
list.sort( compareVersions)

with compareVersions:
def compareVersions(a, b) {
  return getVersion(a).toInteger() <=> getVersion(b).toInteger()

putting the method (compoareVersions) into the sort as a param doesn't work.  
Anyone know what I'm missing?


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